A tale of two sisters
Rachel had just turned 40. She had always been someone who was tall and slim and did not have to really watch her weight. She pretty much ate what she liked (she loved her food) and did not really do a lot of exercise apart from the odd Dellafit session here and there and running around after 2 little girls. One day Rachel started to realise that even though she was not eating any more or moving any less, she was slowly putting on weight. Her lovely clothes had started to feel annoyingly tight and her usually slim bottom, although still small, was not as small as usual. Rachel decided it was time for action and signed up for the “Dellafit New You Program” to get her nutrition on track and to commit to training 3 times a week.
While she was at it Rachel persuaded her younger sister Kate to sign up with her. Kate had given birth to a little girl 18 months earlier, was back at work full time and was feeling frustrated that she had still not got rid of her “baby fat”. Kate wanted to fit back into her old pre-pregnancy clothes. She happily signed up for the “Dellafit New You Program”. As Kate worked full time the only option for her was to attend the 6 am sessions on Monday and Thursday and the Sunday sessions. Rachel decided to support Kate by attending the early morning sessions too, even though she could have made the later sessions.
Early on in the program we joked that Kate’s “support person” (Rachel) seemed to have a bit of trouble getting out of bed – but she still made it – sometimes 5 minutes late. Both sisters turned up at least 3 times a week and made an effort to follow the nutrition guidelines for the 8 week duration of the program. Rachel found that she liked the “grain free” week much to her surprise. Kate focussed on getting more protein into her meals and snacks.
The sisters could feel themselves getting fitter and stronger each week and Kate started to fit into her old clothes. Someone at her work commented that she was almost looking “normal” again (very thoughtful comment!). Rachel got more of a spring in her step and could see how the early morning sessions were actually a great idea as she was then free to do whatever she liked with the rest of her day. She was sticking to the program rather than being distracted by other jobs she wanted to get done when the kids were at school.
The results speak for themselves. Both sisters are thrilled with what they have achieved in 8 weeks – in terms of their measurements, their fitness and a feeling of well being. Kate lost a whopping 9cms off her waist and shaved off more than a minute from her time to run 2 laps of the oval. Rachel’s bottom is back to its usual slim size (check out that photo!!!) and her fitness results are also much improved. It is possible to make improvements in a relatively short time and to pick up some new good habits along the way.
We will be holding another “new you” program in February 2016 once all the kids are back at school. The sisters’ achievements are a great inspiration to anyone who was thinking that they would like to give it a go. Kate works full time and has a little girl and she found the time to do this. Rachel is also a busy mum with 2 young girls and a husband who works long hours and she stuck to the program too. Anyone can do it – you just have to make a decision to be committed and do it – like these 2 very lovely sisters did.
Here is Kate in a recent photo looking ravishing in a form fitting white dress….
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