Dellafit goes virtual
I can’t even believe I am even writing this post.I’m thinking back to the last edition of our newsletter and there would have been no way I could have imagined that there would ever be a time when we would not be legally able to exercise as a group in the park. The situation in which we have found ourselves is truly mindblowing.As we all navigate this (hopefully temporary) brave...Learn MoreBenefits of resistance training and why you should be doing it
Resistance training has so many benefits particularly for women who are 40 and beyond. I am always going on about this to anyone who will listen. The reason it is so dear to my heart is because it actually does work. It plays a key role in assisting you to avoid the slow and stealthy weight gain which is almost inevitable post 40. This is good news for anyone that enjoys eating food and...Learn More
Why you can benefit from HIIT
You may have heard of HIIT. It has been around for a while now. There is a good reason why HIIT looks to be here to stay. It is not a passing fad. For women in their late 30s, 40s and beyond HIIT can be a powerful weapon in curbing weight gain that seems to happen around this time. What is HIIT? HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a type of training that...Learn More
We got results….fitter, faster and firmer
I’m excited to report on some excellent results. We had faster times and some centimeters lost. We also have some very good “before and after” photos. The photos highlight the difference that regular training and careful eating can make. In Deb’s case (see photos above) she also cut down on alcohol. No more “wine o’clock”! HOW IT ALL STARTED...Learn More
How Lindsey significantly lowered her cholesterol levels
LINDSEY’S HEALTH SCARE Lindsey is one of our most loved Dellafit clients. She was actually at the first Dellafit session we ever had in mid 2013 and she is still with us! This is the story of how Lindsey beat high cholesterol through sheer determination. In January 2018 Lindsey went for a routine visit to a new doctor who ordered a full blood test. The test revealed that Lindsey had very...Learn More
I’m the “new girl” starting a fitness program
Being the “new girl” when you are starting a fitness program is not fun. It can be even worse when we feel vulnerable because we know we are not in good shape. We worry that the instructor will give the command and the whole group will go dashing off, leaving us gasping for breath and feeling embarressed about our lack of fitness. Here is the thing – everyone had...Learn MoreSummer is coming
Do you need something or someone to give you a bit of a nudge? You have been thinking of starting a fitness routine or getting back into one but… you just don’t quite know where to start. Do you want actual RESULTS? This kind of results:improved fitness (based on fitness testing so you can actually see the improvements – see the results in the charts accompanying this...Learn More