Why you can benefit from HIIT
You may have heard of HIIT. It has been around for a while now. There is a good reason why HIIT looks to be here to stay. It is not a passing fad. For women in their late 30s, 40s and beyond HIIT can be a powerful weapon in curbing weight gain that seems to happen around this time. What is HIIT? HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a type of training that...Learn MoreSummer is coming
Do you need something or someone to give you a bit of a nudge? You have been thinking of starting a fitness routine or getting back into one but… you just don’t quite know where to start. Do you want actual RESULTS? This kind of results:improved fitness (based on fitness testing so you can actually see the improvements – see the results in the charts accompanying this...Learn More
Do I need to give up alcohol if I want to lose weight?
The short answer is YES – if you are serious about losing weight you should not drink alcohol. No one can make you give up the booze but here are some compelling reasons why alcohol should not play a part in a serious attempt to lose weight.Low nutrient value: the calories in alcoholic drinks are EMPTY calories which mean that they add to your energy intake but provide you with...Learn More