Look forward not back
Too often I hear people make comments about training sessions they have missed, or the fact that they have “done nothing for weeks”. There is a real regret that instead of being active they have avoided exercise and now they feel bad about it. They wish they had done things differently.
In the same way we can dwell on what we have consumed in excess in a way that we wish we hadn’t. That feeling of “why did I proceed to eat the whole box of cheezels? I should have had just one or two” or “why did I drink the whole bottle of wine – I feel dreadful now”.
(Just at this point I will sneak in an observation that it rare for us to regret an exercise session after we have done it or to wish we had “pigged out” on junk food rather than eating well.)
But back to the point…. obsessing about how little training you have done or how you neglected to focus on nutrition is not really going to get you anywhere. I guess it might motivate you a little or remind you that it doesn’t feel good…. but the fact is that those things have already happened and nothing can be done to change them. What CAN be done is to start right NOW with a new attitude – move more, eat better today and tomorrow. Put your energy into what you are going to do – not what you wish you had done. Don’t wait for a new day or a new week. Start now. Put down that empty packet of Tim Tams, get off the couch and go outside for some fresh air then come home for a healthy dinner.
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