Are you sabotaging your efforts?
I am not usually one to follow a strict diet – I prefer to just make good choices every day and aim for consistency. But once a year I find it useful to follow a strict program made by a nutritionist designed to make sure I am getting all the things my body needs in the right proportions. The reason I find it useful is that it makes me focus on the little habits that have crept in to my every day that mean that I am kidding myself in some ways that I am a healthy eater. Once I am really honest about what I am putting in my mouth I come back to the same things.
Some of the little things I do (usually without even noticing) that might be sabotaging my other good efforts are:
- the tendency to finish the kids’ meals and snacks – they might leave just a couple of mouthfuls and rather that throw them away I act as a human disposal machine (it’s only a little bit after all);
- the extra coffees here and there. I have a long black with milk on the side – which is a choice I make around avoiding too much extra milk. But if I have 5 a day that’s a lot of milk on the side;
- the extra healthy snacks here and there. Rather than waiting until lunch or dinner I have a “healthy” snack like some nuts or fruit. But do I really need this snack? or could I just be a bit more disciplined and wait for meal time;
- portion sizes that are too big. When I am reigned back in and focus on how much food I am actually eating – I notice that I have been having too much in terms of portions;
- the late night snacks. Still “healthy” food but really? I do not actually need to re visit the kitchen after dinner. It’s just boredom and habit;
- not being able to put up with being hungry for even half an hour. As I’m always telling my kids – It is good to be hungry particularly half an hour before your meal. Just put up with it – no need to be feeling satisfied all day long.
- not waiting a little while before having a second helping. Give yourself a little time to really see if you do actually need more;
- not drinking enough water. Half the time I think I am hungry I am actually just thirsty.
Do you find yourself doing any of these little things? A week or two of being truly mindful and being honest about what goes in your mouth might be just what you need to re-set and get back on track.
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