Dellafit “New You” program progress report
One of the most pleasing aspect of the 8 week Dellafit “New You” program is the number of women who have honoured their commitment to themselves to train at least 3 times a week. I asked the women starting the program to try to come at least 3 times a week as I am keen to get them some results: improved strength and fitness levels, improved body composition including more lean muscle, more energy and an overall sense of achievement. This is what they have endeavoured to do.
The key was working out at the beginning of the week what sessions they would attend based on what else was happening. Most of the clients stuck to regular times so that they did not schedule other things into their training times. If clients found themselves not able to attend a session as planned – many of them worked out a plan B – maybe an early morning session instead or an extra session later in the week.
When you can see your fitness and strength improving it is highly motivating. You want to keep going – you feel stronger and much better as you tackle other things – work, study, family and leisure. A big surprise is that despite getting up early and training hard you actually have more energy and not less. I can see the women on the “new you” program improving before my eyes. I am really looking forward to the final fitness tests on 6 December to see how far these women have come.
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