Just keep keeping on
Sometimes I hear clients expressing their disappointment about the fact that they have put on a few kilos. They know what to do and what to eat but they are not disciplined to stick to a regime for very long and they keep going back to old habits. Other times it might be disappointment with their fitness level or their skills. Again they know what they can do to get to the next level but they just never seem to get there.
To me the main thing is to just keep trying to achieve whatever goal you have. Even if you have periods where you lose your focus (which is understandable with all the things most of us have going on in our life) get back to that good routine you established and just keep chipping away. Change one habit at a time. Work on your fitness and your skills and in time you will see improvements.
What you do not want to do is let your disappointment take over so that you give up. We all know what happens to most middle aged adults when they give up. They become overweight and sedentary and there can be quite serious implications for their health. Their enjoyment of life is also affected as they find it increasingly harder to move, to breathe and to cope with the physical demands we face every day.
So next time you are feeling a little discouraged – don’t give up. Channel your disappointment into getting back on track so that the big prize – a healthy body that can do all that you ask of it – is yours to keep.
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