How to eat more protein
How to make protein more accessible? The key is preparation and planning. I suggest that you work out how much protein you need each day (.8 grams per kilo of body weight or double that for fat loss). Next plan your meals and snacks for a day or two with a conscious effort to reach your protein goal. One you have made a plan do some preparation so that you will be able to stick to the plan. You might want to:
- boil some eggs, a ready source of protein for a snack or for breakfast;
- poach some chicken breasts. Sliced chicken breast is delicious added to salads for lunch (it will keep in the fridge for a few days);
- make some meatballs from lean ground beef. There are so many great recipes for meatballs. I love ground up walnuts, raisins and cumin in mine. Meatballs are portable and easy to heat up when you need them;
- stock the fridge with cottage cheese and greek yoghurt (buy the ones with less sugar);
- have a lentil dish one night and make enough for leftovers;
- have a couple of carb free dinners each week – where the emphasis is on lovely fish, chicken or red meat and vegetables;
- find a recipe for a protein shake you like the look of and have all the ingredients in the fridge ready to go;
- buy some chia seeds and sprinkle them liberally on salads and breakfast oats;
- have nuts in your cupboard to snack on. If you are worried about quantities use containers or zip lock bags to divide up big bags of nuts. 30 grams of almonds is about 20 to 24 almonds which is the amount you need to limit yourself to;
- include anchovies or sardines in your repetoire;
- make quinoa and make more than you need for one meal – so that it’s easy to include with the next.
Soon it will become a habit to have protein with every meal and snack and the benefits will be great. You will feel energised and positive and not so “hungry” all the time. Sugar cravings will be reduced and you will feel satisfied after every meal, not left wanting more.
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