Top 5 ways to avoid putting on 5 kgs over the Christmas break

What if you could enjoy yourself this Christmas and avoid the extra kgs? It is possible and you might enjoy it even more because you won’t be feeling bloated, slightly ashamed of how much you ate and able to move the next day. Here are my top 5 tips.
- PAY ATTENTION This is my top tip. Think about what you are eating and drinking. I don’t mean you need to obsess. But you do need to register what food you are consuming and how much. Also think about when you are going to be eating and drinking more than usual and plan around that. You can make some good decisions if you are actually paying attention. If you have a big dinner coming up later in the day eat more lightly earlier in the day. Try to eat less the next day. Do not arrive at a party starving hungry. Pace yourself. If you are at a buffet put some food on a plate and stick to that. Do not keep just picking up one morsel after the other. You are likely to eat about 17 morsels if you mindlessly graze. You can eat whatever you like but if you make an effort to mentally keep track you consume a lot less and probably choose better options. Go easy on condiments and added extras – keep it simple is the best rule.
- WATCH YOUR PORTION SIZES Pretend to be an elegant French woman and keep portions small. You really can eat anything as long you just have a bit. If you want some plum pudding – go ahead but just have one helping and leave it at that. It is usually the first few bites that taste the best. After that you are just eating to finish what is on your plate. Do not feel like you have to eat everything on your plate (or drink the whole bottle!). Rather than doing without and feeling all deprived just eat less of those foods you know might add to your waistline.
- DO NOT EAT SHIT LOADS OF HAM I don’t know about you but I usually do not eat 10 slices of ham in one day. I might eat one if I am lucky. Ham is very delicious but it is also very very high in salt and if you suddenly eat a lot of it – your body will retain water and you will feel all puffy and terrible. Eat turkey and seafood as much as you want but go easy on ham.
- KEEP MOVING. Walk as much as you can. A long walk after a big meal is great – it stops you from feeling all sluggish and sleepy. Keep up your training by going when you can. Rather than just dropping everything make an effort to get some exercise in. It will help you to stay in a healthy mindset. Don’t make the mistake though of thinking just because you trained you can eat way more. It doesn’t really work that way.
- RE SET IMMEDIATELY By this I mean do not make a decision to just abandon your healthy eating plan because of one “slip up” or “pig out”. If you have over indulged this does not mean you have to “wait until Monday” or “wait for 1 January” to get back into healthy and mindful eating and training. Re-set right away. Follow a big boozy lunch with a sensible dinner and an early night and get up with your headache to have a swim at the beach. This mindset will help you avoid an “all or nothing” situation where you reason yourself into totally giving up.
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