Still going on about eating more protein
Hi it’s me still going on about protein. My theory about why most of us are not eating enough protein (.8 grams per kilo of body weight per day) is because it is not as accessible to us as other food groups.
A quick snack on the run – most of us think of fruit, crackers, chips, a milky coffee or even a sneaky chocolate bar. Not many people I know seek out more protein rich snacks such as a boiled egg or a small quantity of nuts, some cottage cheese or some greek yoghurt.
It’s the same with our meals. So often they are based around carbohydrates – sandwiches, cereal, rice, pasta or if we are eating light we might have a salad or some fruit. The protein we eat at our meals is not something we think much about. We should be thinking about it because:
- protein stimulates an increase in muscle protein synthesis and suppresses protein breakdown which means more lean tissue. You want more lean tissue because you will be able to eat more and move less as you gain muscle;
- protein reduces hunger. It is filling. It also reduces those cravings for a sugar hit;
- your body uses more calories to digest protein (nearly 2 times the calories you use to break down carbs);
- there are a number of studies which have shown that high quality intake of protein at every meal can lead to a loss of fat around the belly;
- protein increases bone density and decreases the risk of osteoporosis;
- protein is vital brain food – it provides the building blocks to make chemical signals involved in energy production and motivation;
- protein will make you sleep better. You will wake up less during the night;
- increased protein can help reduce blood pressure;
- protein will make your tendons stronger and reduce the time needed for repair of tissue when you are injured.
If you agree that protein is important read my next post which has a few ideas about how you can increase the amount protein you eat each day.
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