6am training sessions – reasons to try
For many people a 6am training session is absolutely unthinkable. ” I am not a morning person”… “I could never make it there that early…” ” I don’t get up until 7am…”
I wonder sometimes how many of these “non morning” people have actually given it a try. What does it involve? Well if we break it down it means perhaps preparing some things the night before for example, some items for school lunches – to make it easier to finish and to save time in the morning or planning what you will wear to work. It might also involve trying to get to bed by 10.30pm (or earlier if possible) and setting the alarm for 5.30am. Wake up -pull on your exercise gear which you have left by your bed, wash your face, clean your teeth, pull your hair back or put on your cap and head out the door for the park.
The act of getting out of bed may be a little hard but once you get outside in the park and see the sun coming up, greet all of your fellow exercisers and start moving you will not feel tired – surprise, surprise you will feel GREAT. You will head home by 7am ready to shower and get going for work or school and you will feel very pleased with yourself that you have already trained and the whole day is ahead of you. No need to try and fit training in – BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE IT!
Most people who are consistent trainers swear by their early morning sessions. It is one way of ensuring that you get the exercise done on a regular basis. It’s also a great way to get moving for the day ahead. It puts you in a good mood. You feel a buzz from being outdoors and you feel ready to take on the day.
So I am asking you … even if its NOT YOU, even if you are not a morning person… why not give it a try and see if it makes a difference to your day and to your ability to fit 3 to 4 training sessions into your week. If Michelle Obama can do it – why not you?
A tip from someone who was formerly a “non-morning person” is to sleep in your exercise clothes – it gives you at least 5 more minutes sleep and saves you the bother in the morning.
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