Sarah, our member of the month for August
Sarah has been a member of Dellafit now for well over a year. I have chosen Sarah as member of the month for August because even with a lockdown in place, Sarah has been as committed as ever. Sarah has attended our virtual classes on a regular basis and she has also consistently completed more than our aim of 10,000 steps a day. Sarah is also great on our What’s App chat – inspiring us all to keep up our steps. A typical “A” type personality Sarah even got up out of bed the other night to do a further 300 steps when she looked to be beaten at the post as top stepper of the day.
Sarah is a good example of someone who is very busy and who has a full on job but who still manages to train and also make an effort with nutrition. Sarah works as a doctor and not only that she is a doctor who works on a helicopter. She gets flown into emergency situations and she has to think and act quickly. Thank goodness we have highly qualified and brave doctors like Sarah.
The one thing that can make regular training difficult for Sarah is the fact that she is a shift worker. Shift work also means sleep is an area which is also very hard to manage.
Many shift workers struggle with nutrition and exercise because they often feel tired and run down from constantly changing time zones and poor sleep quality sleep. Sarah could have every excuse under the sun not to train. Instead Sarah takes extra special care to make sure she gets her training in and is also very conscious to be eating well to fuel herself for her demanding schedule. Sarah is also working on her sleep by monitoring it and trying hard to prioritise sleep whenever she can.
Next time you are feeling “too tired” to work out think of Sarah. At least you don’t have to jump out of a helicopter like her today!!! So the least you could do is get a training session in.
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