Exciting new “Best Ever Body Over 40” Challenge starts soon

I am so excited to be running another challenge. It has been a while. I am determined that we are not going to lose our mojo as winter approaches. I am also keen for some new women to use the Challenge as a way of getting started with us.
What will the Challenge involve?
It will involve training at least 3 times a week at times that suit you. We will also have a focus for our nutrition every week with the aim of building new sustainable habits. My aim for this Challenge is that it is not something you will drop after 8 weeks. It is like an 8 week kickstart with the aim of everyone continuing with the healthy ways they pick up after the Challenge.
We will measure our success by way of breakthroughs with health and fitness, new habits and new routines. Success will be making sustainable and lasting change.
Why is this Challenge called “The Best Body Ever” Challenge?
By “best body” I am not just referring to how attractive your body might end up looking at the end of the Challenge. I am referring to:
✔Improved fitness
✔Improved strength
✔Better sleep and recovery
✔Relief from the effects of stress, improved well being
✔New habits which will ultimately stave off illness and chronic disease
✔The start of habits which will improve bone density over time.
Your best body awaits. Why not join us? Make the next 10 weeks a time for you.
What are the dates of the Challenge?
The first 2 weeks of term I am calling the “Pre-Season“. From Monday 19 April we will be fitness testing and some of us might take measurements and photos. We might take the opportunity to write down how we are feeling about our fitness levels and our health in general. We need to establish what our base is. We will also be planning. We will work our what the most important things are for us that we would like to work on during the challenge.
From 3 May the Challenge will start. It will run for 8 weeks until the end of second term. We will take the fitness tests again to measure our progress and evaluate our success.
So jump on board. If you are someone who needs motivation and encouragement this one is for you!
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