Meet Norma our client of the month

Norma joined us early this year and has been an absolute delight to have in our group. She always trains with a lot of effort – making the most of every session. She is also a very popular group member as she is so happy and friendly to everyone.
She walks all the way from Surry Hills to the sessions at Rushcutters Bay – the extra walking is part of her routine.
Norma really got into the swing of the sessions soon after joining up. She was very consistent coming at least twice a week, sometimes 3 times. She was getting great results, feeling and looking fit and strong. Once overseas travel became an option again Norma left the group for some weeks to travel to Canada and Columbia with her family to catch up on the 2 years of no travel.
When Norma returned she was a little bit miserable as all the good times on the trip had resulted in some unwanted kilos. She felt slow and sluggish and did not like the way she felt at exercise. We have all been there.
Well the good news is that Norma is 4kgs down since her return. She puts it down to the regular exercise with us, her walking and watching what she eats more carefully. She has taken my advice to eat more protein and just cut down slightly on the carbs. She is now heading into summer feeling great and her beautiful daughter (who sometimes walks with her mum) is very happy for her! Norma is approaching a very significant birthday feeling fit and youthful for her years.
We are so happy to be a part of Norma’s success story.
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