Zoom workout for Monica at Dellafit. Would you like to join her?

Our lovely client Monica first came to Dellafit through the zoom workouts we offered during lockdown. Like many of our other members, Monica soon realized that the zoom workout is not an inferior workout. We still offer 2 zoom workouts a week because clients like Monica continue to love them.
Monica says ” I started these classes to get fitter while working from home. With the zoom class I can do it in the privacy of my own home, organise family and myself around work/school and it gives me that flexibility.”
Monica is right. Zoom workouts mean:
- You still have a “group” to work out with.
- You still have to “show up” and keep going through the session
- Someone is in front of you performing all the exercises so you can make sure you are doing the right thing
- You can still ask the instructor to keep an eye on your form throughout and ask questions
- You still perform a carefully programmed workout without having to look anything up
- There is great variety – cardio and resistance work with a warm up and a stretch
- You can play your own music without others hearing it
- If you miss a session you can ask for a recording to do in your own time
- You spend no time at all getting to the session or getting home – it is incredibly time efficient
- You can be supervising or directing kids or other household members while you work out.
Monica loves the way the zoom workout fits into her day now that she is not travelling to work . As for benefits she says ” the great thing is it makes me feel good afterwards”. As Monica’s instructor I have seen a great improvement in Monica’s fitness and form. We love seeing Monica’s pet cat Otto making an appearance and Monica has been known to use Otto as a weight when doing squats and lunges.
Finally, Monica has a message for anyone considering hopping onto our zoom workouts:
“Don’t be shy, all the women who join are just like me at various levels of fitness and Della makes it fun and interesting with new routines every time. I am learning things about myself as well while doing the program exercises. And because you are in the privacy of your own place you have no fear of being judged. Thoroughly recommend it.”
For more information about Dellafit see our website https://www.dellafit.com.au/
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