Some amazing results from our “Best Body Ever” challenge
Pictures speak louder than words. You can see the results achieved by “A” and “D” who were 2 participants in our “Best Body Ever” Challenge which ran for 8 weeks.
These results were achieved without restrictive diets or gruelling training. They were achieved as a result of turning up to train at least 3 times a week and taking care with nutrition.
As well as the physical changes both “A” and “D” became fitter and stronger as measured by our fitness tests. They both completed a run – twice around a large oval – at the start and at the end of the challenge. A shaved almost 20 seconds off her time and D shaved off 30 seconds. They both performed better at push ups and burpees and a plank.
But what is really great is that they are both feeling pumped and excited about what they achieved! That feeling that you have taken something on and seen it through and succeeded! There is nothing like it. To put yourself to the test and to come out the other side fitter, stronger and feeling very good about yourself.
I am so happy for these 2. They are motivated to keep trying to improve their fitness and reap the rewards.
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